About Us

    Who We Are

    We are a company providing solution for converting flammable pine needles and other biomass into biochar and usable energy eliminating the emissions caused by forest fires and regenerating biodiversity.

    Problem Statement

    Come summers and the forests in the entire sub-Himalayan region across many countries become carbon spewing factories due to massive forest fires spread by high calory pine needles that fall during dry summer months and carpet the entire forest floor.

    These recurrent forest fires, usually multiple times every season, not only release enormous quantities of CO2 in the atmosphere, but destroy biodiversity. The fire resistant bark of pine trunk makes them fire resistant – fires destroying everything else other than pine trees – resulting in mono culture pine forests, devoid of multiple layered canopy with diminished CO2 draw down capacity of forests in this region. 

    Formation of monoculture pine forests also reduces the ground water recharge resulting in heavy rainwater runoff during the monsoon season and water scarcity during lean season.

    Our Solutions

    We have developed technology to use pine needles for biochar and energy production, giving them an economic value incentivizing people to collect pine needles before they burn. By removing and processing pine needles,  our efforts are geared, not only towards resumption of forests as carbon sequestering factories, but also using technology to actively remove and store carbon in the soil, while benefitting the farmers in sustainably amending soil ecology.

    We convert flammable pine needles and biomass into biochar and energy, reducing forest fire emissions and restoring biodiversity for sustainable ecosystems.

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