Solutions and Projects

    What We Do

    Our technology processes biomass in a downdraft gasification system – specially designed to handle this very low density biomass – into quality biochar and producer gas.

    The technology offers innovation in biochar production from pine needles, which is a very difficult material to process but abundantly available in the area. Our technology of continuous raw material feeding and biochar removal/collection mechanism is unique for converting this difficult to handle biomass into biochar with ease. Our innovative technology also uses the gases produced in the biochar production process, which otherwise are emitted contributing to non CO2 gas emissions, for production of clean electrical/thermal energy eliminating the non CO2 emissions harmful for atmosphere and generating additional revenue for the business. 

    Apart from processing pine needles, this technology can also be used to process various crop residues such as coffee husk, wood/bamboo chips etc. to obtain biochar and fuel gases and the gases instead of generating electricity can also be used in thermal application for drying of crops.

    Biochar for Agriculture and Soil Amendment

    All trees draw down CO2 from atmosphere to be stored as food in the tissue including leaves, effectively sequestering carbon till the tissue decomposes or burns. Our technology removes that carbon from pine needles for permanent storage in the soil, also sustainably amending soil ecology.

    The biochar produced by our technology is of exceptionally high quality, with an H/C ratio of 0.32 and an O/C ratio of 0.068. These ratios indicate that the biochar is highly stable, meaning it can remain in the soil for over a thousand years without breaking down. This long-term stability makes it an effective tool for carbon sequestration, as the carbon remains trapped in the soil for millennia, reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

    In addition to its carbon-storing capabilities, biochar offers several other benefits. Its highly porous structure allows it to retain significant amounts of water and nutrients, improving soil fertility. The high surface area of biochar also provides a thriving environment for beneficial soil microbes, which play a crucial role in overall soil health.

    Carbon Credits

    Carbon Dioxide Removal and climate financing

    Using biochar as a soil amendment agent generates high quality Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) certificates, which. 

    These CDRs can be the main source of revenue for profitably operating the processing facilities, while  energy remains a secondary product and biochar is supplied to the farmers at no/insignificant cost. Climate funding can be used to set up these biochar production facilities for scaling this technology to help farmers sustainably rebuild soil ecology, increase farm productivity and develop climate resilient agriculture, while effectively removing and storing carbon for climate change mitigation.

    We convert flammable pine needles and biomass into biochar and energy, reducing forest fire emissions and restoring biodiversity for sustainable ecosystems.

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